Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Still working on the ending...

Ideally, I write stories that inspire people to live better lives... to take their lives to the next level and lift the global and perhaps universal consciousness to a higher place than it was before. You may argue that it is happening naturally, but why not play an active role in the process? Can I think of a more enjoyable way to spend my life? Not at this moment...

Why not shoot for that? I've achieved so many things in my life... what if I can achieve this one too? It's not that I'm afraid of failure, I think I'm actually afraid of wasting time on something that's not exactly the best, most efficient or prosperous goal for me to be pursuing. I'm just like any old business person I guess... I just want the best return on investment I can get. Am I trying to plan my future too much? To much planning and not enough doing can also be a waste of time. That was something I definitely learned from design.

What are the things that stop me from pursuing this goal?

Off the top of my head:

  • I don't have any training in writing
  • although I did very well in school, highschool english was one of my weaker subjects 
  • why should I presume to have any right to even try it 
  • I won't be able to make enough money while I figure out if i've actually got any promise
  • If I'm not good at writing, what then? At this moment in time, it's something I just want to be great at.
  • I've got a job that pays really well and I'm not ready to quit even though I don't feel that it's quite right for me... I'm learning some valuable things there, I'm sure of it.

Okay, now that I've written that down, let's see what happens...

1 comment:

  1. This is really good stuff... my thoughts are on the ideas of being a catalyst through your writing, aiming to encourage people to live fuller, more meaningful lives... but then what about the ideas of evolution... not in a Darwinian sense per se, but in the sense of us becoming better people in our own lives, personal evolution? Are we all just along for the ride, in which case, does it really matter? Why not just let people be as they are, indifferent, unaware, imbalanced and all? Or.... is there a greater goal in mind, a goal greater than ourselves, greater than the Animal Kingdom, greater than anything this one planet can encompass? It IS INDEED occurring naturally, and that is in a Darwinian basis, but what are we actively doing to contribute to or hinder it? Are we each interacting with one another and all of the other living and non-living aspects of this planet to contribute to that? If so, why not make our contributions as best as possible?

    Maybe the question we can ask of ourselves is "what would be the most fun, inspiring, stimulating, driving (insert any positive adverb here) route to take in making the world a better place for as many living and non-living inhabitants as possible? Broad? Bold? Yes! So, if right now, you want to try to take a writing route, figure out the answers or caveats to the points you've made against the idea, and go for it! There's always a way!
